Thursday, March 10, 2011

Flaks or Plaudits....

What you expect from people. Definitely plaudits.I really feel the need to break new grounds and invites new plaudits. These plaudits would come with my work I will do this year and matter for whole life. I never happened to be at the receiving end of flaks from others in my life but from myself. One knows what he is and what one expect from life.
I have thorwn the gauntlet towards me and I deciced to taken it up.huh..Self motivation !!!!
Once again, tenacity required. I still need a structured start and impetus is originated from the plight of my conscience .It keeps me on my toes.
Many Times I have thrown myself in towel  and now it's high time  to whip every thing in to shape.
pictures. I wd prefer to elucidate  the steps I have  towards my goal .I have already gone thorogh edification and understood that shortcut to success is a delusion.
Technology changes every day and so the knowledge base needs to expand. Resting on laurels and basking on old glory hinder the success plan. Yes, you should take motivation from them but not complacency.
Today on my way to office, auto, I hired, stopped at a signal and a 5-6 year old boy with a 2-3 year old sister of him, bare footed come to beg a coin in that torcherous sun when you cant stand a minute outside .
It jolted me and filled me with a yet again thought of my being better privillaged.
Those who cry over angry lady luck ruin there life in spitting venom against every one include themselves....SO why not today, take a pledge.....comeon..Do it for yourself.....:)
loved it.....Life is a bigger platform to outclass yourself everytime..Increasing the benchmark and achieving them would make you a tough guy......forget about everything..If needed practise celebacy, do it ........its NOW or NEVER...Be a force to be reckoned !!
I see with lots of plaudits and meagre flaks....:).....Shut up & Work...:D

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